
I’m Connie and I’m a twenty-something self-taught baker and amateur photographer. When you grow up with a mom who is a great cook, a father who farms in the backyard, and a sister who bakes, you are destined to be obsessed with making food. I’m a baker in practice and an all around foodie at heart. There’s nothing that brings people together quite like food does, so I spend a lot of time seeking good food and attempting to make it at home. I started Whisks and Whimsy to chronicle some of the treats coming out of my kitchen and I hope it can serve as a source of inspiration to bakers and non-bakers alike.

On a more personal note, I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, lived in New York City for 6 years, and now live in Houston, Texas. My husband, Andrew, tastes everything I make, and my two dogs, Riley and Cooper, sweep up the crumbs and console me during baking disasters.

In addition to blogging on Whisks and Whimsy, you can also find me posting on Instagram and pinning on Pinterest. Follow me if you’d like!

If you need to get in touch, leave a comment, find me on Twitter, or e-mail me at connie(at)whisksandwhimsy(dot)com

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Deborah White January 25, 2012 at 10:06 pm

Recipes look fabulous, Looking forward to trying several.


Maryna August 25, 2012 at 11:59 am

Connie! Wendy is visiting me for the weekend and showed me your blog. I am impressed, you are so talented! Can’t wait to try some of your recipes. Hope you are doing well in Houston!


Connie August 25, 2012 at 12:11 pm

So glad Wendy showed it to you! Let me know if you try any recipes. You girls have fun this weekend!


Bro n Law August 29, 2012 at 1:01 pm

I’m expecting some bourbon pecan pie connie, may even ride down to try a slice!


Connie August 29, 2012 at 1:28 pm

I’ll only make it if you bring Rachelle and the girls down too.


Katie @ Produce on Parade March 3, 2014 at 6:03 pm

Hi Connie, I am so delighted to have found your blog. It’s so clean and the photos are gorgeous and the food looks amazing! I saw that you grew up in Cleveland, my husband is from Chagrin Falls! :) I’ll have to try your homemade nutella, yum!


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